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NZ Radio Spectrum + US Electromagnetic Spectrum and Ham Bands

Radio & Electronics Glossary
Resistor Colour Codes
Capacitor Colour Codes
Inductor Colour Codes
Wiring Loom Colours
Signal Diode Color Codes
Typical Radio Dial Pilot Lamps
VT Tube (Valve) Equivalents
CV Tube (Valve) Equivalents #2
ECU (foreign) to American Cross Reference
New Zealand Radio Spectrum
click each image for a larger more readable view...

New Zealand Frequency Spectrum Usage

 9-90 Fixed, Maritime-Mobile and Radionavigation
 90-120 Radionavigation (L0RAN C)
 120-140 Restricted Radiation Devices (RRD)
 140-165 Fixed, Maritime-Mobile and Radionavigation
 165-190 Fixed, Radionavigation and Amateur
 190-285 Aeronautical Beacons
 285-325 Aeronautical and Maritime Beacons
 325-415 Aeronautical Beacons
 45-521 Maritime
 521-1612 MF-AM Radio Broadcasting
 1612-1690 Aeronautical Beacons, Broadcasting
 1690-1800 Cordless Telephone (CTI/A-CTI/E Base Tx), Radio Buoys
 1800-1950 Amateur 160 m Band
 1950-2000 Radio Buoys
 2000-2300 Fixed and Mobile
 2300-2495 Broadcast 120 m Band ITropical)
 2495-2850 Fixed and Mobile. Standard Frequency 2.5 MHz
 2850-3155 Aeronautical
 3155-3200 Fixed and Mobile
 3200-3400 Broadcast 90 m Band ITropical)
 3400-3500 Aeronautical
 3500-3900 Amateur 80 m Band
 3900-4000 Broadcast 75 m Band
 4000-4438 Maritime
 4438-4650 Fixed and Mobile
 4650-4750 Aeronautical
 4750-5060 Broadcast 60 m Band (Tropical), Standard Frequency 5 MHz
 5060-5480 Fixed and Mobile
 5480-5730 Aeronautical
 5730-5900 Fixed and Mobile
 5900-6200 Broadcast 49 m Band
 6200-6525 Maritime
 6525-7565 Aeronautical
 6765-6795 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) and RRD
 6795-7000 Fixed and Mobile
 7000-7100 Amateur 40 m Band
 7100-7350 Broadcast 41 m Band, Amateur (7100-7300)
 7350-8100 Fixed and Mobile
 8100-8815 Maritime
 8815-9040 Aeronautical
 9040-9400 Fixed
 9400-9900 Broadcast 31 m Band
 9900-10000 Fixed and Standard Frequency 10 MHz
 10.00-10.100 Aeronautical
 10.100-10.150 Amateur 30 m Band
 10.150-11.175 Fixed
 11.175-11.400 Aeronautical
 11.400-11.600 Fixed
 11.600-12.100 Broadcast 25 m Band
 12.100-12.230 Fixed
 12.230-13.200 Maritime
 13.200-13.360 Aeronautical
 13.360-13.550 Fixed and Mobile
 13.550-13.570 ISM (13.560 MHz) and RRD
 13.570-13.870 Broadcast 22 m Band
 13.870-14.000 Fixed
 14.000-14.350 Amateur 20 m Band
 14.350-15.000 Fixed and Standard Frequency 15 MHz
 15.000-15.100 Aeronautical
 15.100-15.800 Broadcast 19m Band
 15.800-16.360 Fixed
 16.360-17 410 Maritime
 17 410-17480 Fixed
 17~480-17 900 Broadcast 16 m Band
 17 900-18.030 Aeronautical
 18.030-18.068 Fixed
 18.068-18.168 Amateur 17 m Band
 15.165-15.780 Fixed
 15.780-18.900 Maritime
 18.900-19.020 Broadcast 15 m Band
 19.020-19.680 Fixed
 19.680-19.800 Maritime
 19.800-21.000 Fixed and Standard Frequency 20 MHz
 21.000-21.450 Amateur 15 m Band
 21.450-21.850 Broadcast 13 m Band
 21.850-21.870 Fixed
 21.870-22.000 Aeronautical
 22.000-22.855 Maritime
 22.855-23.200 Fixed
 23.200-23.350 Aeronautical
 23.350-24.890 Fixed and Mobile
 24.890-24.990 Amateur 12 m Band
 24.990-25.070 Fixed and Mobile, Standard Frequency 25 MHz
 25.070-25.210 Maritime
 25.210-25.550 Fixed and Mobile
 25.550-25.670 Astronomy
 25.670-26.10 Broadcast 11 m Band
 26.100-26.175 Maritime
 26.175-26.300 Fixed and Mobile
 26.300-  Citizen Radio Service (40 channels)
 26.800-  Fixed and Mobile
 26.950-  ISM (27.120 MHz) and RRD)
 27 300-  Fixed and Mobile
 28.000-  Amateur 10 m Band
 29.700-  RRD (Restricted Radiation Devices)
 30.000-  Cordless Telephone (CTl Base Tx)
 30.800-  Fixed and Mobile
 31.300-  RRD
 31.600-  Fixed and Mobile, TV Sound IF 33.40 MHz
 34.200-  Cordless Telephone (CTl Base Tx)
 34.600-  Fixed and Mobile
 35.400-  ISM (37 500 MHz and RRD
 37 200-  Fixed and Mobile, TV Vision IF 38.90 MHz
 39.700-  Cordless Telephone (CTl Portable Tx)
 40.500-  ISM (40.680 MHz) and RRD
 40.800-  Fixed and Mobile .
 44-51 VHF TV Channel 1
 51-53 Amateur
 53.-54 Fixed, Mobile and Amateur
 54-61 VHF TV Channel 2
 61-68 VHF TV Chann~13
 68.0000-  Not Allocated
 70.0000-  Fixed " M' Band (Alpha Tx)
 71.8000-  Not Allocated 
 72.0000-  RRD
 73.000-   Fixed " M' Band (Beta Tx)
 74.800-   Aeronautical Marker Beacons
 75.200-   Land Mobile (Emergency Services-Base Tx)
 76.200-   Not Allocated
 78.100-   Land Mobile (Emergency Services-Mobile Tx)
 79.100-   Not Allocated
 88.000-   Guardband
 88.200-   VHF-FM Sound Broadcast (Low Power)                                    
 88.800-   VHF-FM Sound Broadcast
 100.200-  RRD, Wireless Public Address Systems
 100.800-  Guardband
 100.990-  Land Mobile "B" Band (Mobile Tx)
 104.01875- Land Mobile Single Frequency
 104.96875- Land Mobile "B" Band (Base Tx)
 108.0000-  Aeronautical ILS Localiser
 112.0000-  Aeronautical VQR Beacons
 117.9750-  Aeronautical Communications (R)
 132.0125-  Aeomautical Repeater (OR) (Base Tx)
 132.5875-  Aeronautical Communications (OR)
 135.4125-  Aeronautical Repeater (OR) (Mobile Tx)
 136.0000-  Aeronautical Communications (R)        
 137.0000-  Moblle-Satellite and Meteomlogical Satelite (S-E)
 138.0000-  Land Mobile (Emergency Services.--Mobile Tx)
 140.5000-  Land MobIle Single Frequency
 141.0000-  Land Mobile (Emergencv Services.--Base Tx)
 143.5000-  Land Mobile Simplex Frequency
 144.0000-  Amateur 2m Band
 148.0000-  Land Mobile (Civil Defence-Mobile Tx)
 148.5000-  Paging
 148.8125-  Land Mobile Simplex Frequency
 149.0625-  Paging 
 149.3875-  Land Mobile (Base Tx)
(This spectrum was also allocated to the Mobile Satelite Service (E-S) at the
1992 WARC with specific intended application worldwide for LEO satelite
 148.9000-  Radionav-Satelite (TRANSIT)   Moblle-SatelUte (E-S)
 150.0500-  Land Mobile Simplex Frequency
 151.0000-  Land Mobile "E" Band (Base Tx)
 153.4125-  Land Mobile Simplex Frequency
 153.59375- Land Mobile "E" Band (MobIle Tx)
 156.0000-  Maritime VHF (Mobile Tx)
 156.3625-  Maritime Mobile Single Frequency
 156.8875-  Maritime VHF (MobIle Tx)
 157 5875-  Wide Area Paging
 158.0625-  Land Mobile (Special Services-Mobile Tx)
 158.5875-  Land Mobile Simplex Frequency
 158.7875-  Land Mobile Radio Repeater
 160.1000-  RRD
 160.6000-  Maritime VHF (Base Tx)
 160.9625-  Land Mobile (Special Services-Base Tx)
 161.4875-  Maritime VHF (Base Tx)
 162.2000-  Land Mobile (Base Tx)lFixed (Alpha Tx)
 165.7000-  Land MobIle Single Frequency
 166.8000-  Land Mobile (Mobile Tx7Fixed (Beta Tx)
 170.3000-  Land Mobile Single Frequency
 171.0000-  Land Mobile Radio Repeater
 172.0000-  Not Allocated
174-181                           VHF TV Channel 4
181-188                           VHF TV Channel 5                      
188-195                           VHF TV Channel 6
195-202                           VHF TV Channel 7
202-209                           VHF TV Channel 8
209-216                           VHF TV Channel 9
216-223                           VHF TV Channel l0
223-230                           VHF TV Channel 11
230.00-300.00                     Fixed and Mobile
300.00-305.00                     Fixed, Mobile and RRD
305.00-312.00                     Fixed and Mobile
312.00-315.00                     Mobile-Satelite (E.S)
315.00-328.60                     Fixed and Mobile
328.60-335.40                     Aeronautical ILS Glidepath
335.40-387.00                     Fixed and Mobile
387.00-390.00                     Mobile-Satelite (E.S)
390.00-399.00                     Fixed and Mobile
399.90-400.05                     Radionavigation Satelite (TRANSIT)
400.05-400.15                     Standard Frequency Satelite
400.15-401.00                     Meteorological, Meteorological-Satelite (S-E)
401.00-404.00                     Meteorological




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